Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nine months old

Today Elizabeth had her nine month appointment with Dr. Salter.  She weighed in at an even 18lbs and she is 26.5 inches tall.  She is hugging the 25th percentile curve for all her measurements. 

From what we can tell and from what the doctor said, she seems to be developing right on track.   She is pulling up on everything and crawls like a champ.  She has 3 teeth - all on the bottom.   And she is still a very happy baby.  Well, except when she doesn't get her way... she hates having her diaper changed, not eating what we are eating, having things taken away from her (especially things that she should not have like the dog's water bowl or paper that will inevitably go right in her mouth), and initially being put in her car seat.  She doesn't have stranger anxiety which we have read could kick in during this month.  We are hoping that it never does.  She is still a great sleeper but her bed time is creeping earlier and earlier.  We would prefer to have her go to bed a little later so we could go out and do things, but these days she prefers to go to bed around 8:15, and we will probably be pushing that more towards 8 in the next few weeks as she is getting grumpy during those last 15 minutes if we are not doing something to entertain her.  I remember when she used to go to bed at 10:30 and we asked the doctor when she would start going to bed earlier.  Now we know.  She still takes 2 to 3 naps during the day at 45min to 1.5 hours each.

All and all she is great!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the new picture and the growth chart idea. I had picked a folding board out at Kohl's that already has some decoration--but I'll have Camden add his hand prints too!