Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Growth chart idea

I have been looking for ideas for a growth chart for Elizabeth.  I want to record her height on something for a visual of how fast she is growing, but knowing that we are not going to be in this house forever I wanted something that we could take with us.  I also didn't want something too gaudy or too cutsey that would not be appropriate for when she gets older.  After doing a thorough internet search I came upon this.

I bought a 6 foot board from home depot and painted it white.  I plan on recording her height with a line date and then close to here birthday every year have her put her hand print in alternating colors. It fits all my criteria; I just love this idea! 

1 comment:

Penelope Lind said...

Wow - this has inspired me to copy you (hope you don't mind!). I love the idea of the handprint too each year so we can see how Dash's hands grow bigger along with him growing taller!