Wednesday, October 20, 2010

6 months until I turn 30!

October 9th marked 6 months until my 30th birthday.  I know that on April 9th, I will not feel any different than the day before, but the changing decade is somewhat a big deal.  I've been thinking about what I want to do to celebrate.

I'd brainstormed a couple of ideas.
Run a marathon - the plantar fasciitis that has been bugging me for the last two months has sorta sidelined that idea.
Read 30 books - I am such a slow reader that I would need to read either crap books, or do nothing but read. And I have a few other things on my plate so I will pass up that one.

However, with help from Nathan, I have come up with a goal that I think is obtainable and fun, but will help me feel like I've accomplished something [not that a B.S., PhD, and baby aren't something].  I am planning on doing 30 "artsy" things before April 9th.  The definition of "artsy" is a little liberal: making a craft, reading a book, going to a movie, and going to a show.  I may add to/modify this definition as I go.

I plan on posting each thing on the blog to keep track, and hope to do at least 5 a month so I am not doing them all in March.

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