The big thing is that on Monday January 4th she smiled as seen by the video below!
Our normal morning schedule is for her to eat then we get up and I put her in her bouncy seat on the dining room table. I open the shades and she can look out the window and experience the sunshine. I prepare my breakfast and/or pump. On Monday when I walked to the table with my breakfast I said "Hi" to Elizabeth and she smiled. I did it again and she smiled again! I grabbed our big camera to try to capture her pure joy and she looked at it like - what the heck is that? you think I'm going to smile to that? I called Nathan and told him the good news and he suggested I use the video camera. Brilliant suggestion! why hadn't I thought of that. Oh, maybe because I was up at 3am for an hour feeding and changing and getting her back to sleep... I grabbed the camera and caught 3 more smiles. This was so special, because if I had not caught it on film Nathan would have accused me of lying. She has only smiled a few times since, and they are not as big and as pronounced as those Monday morning smiles. We are just waiting until she smiles and laughs all the time!
Another thing - she has grown out of two of her outfits. This is the first and only time I will mention this because from her on out she will be growing out of things weekly. And she is finally able to wear the outfit that we planned to bring her home from the hospital. However, to mark this first milestone we took a picture of one of the outfits that is too tight on Pancake's head. He's being such a good dog. He just ignores her mostly and is loving being out all day basking in the sun and napping. We will see how good the family interacts when we take a trip up to D.C. with all 4 of us in the car.
To go with this we have also moved up to size 1 diapers this week. She can still wear the newborn since they are up to 10lbs, but the ones go from 8-14lbs and she is well over 8. They are a little roomy in the tush, but they do the job (well not all the time).
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