Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Names

So we are having a difficult time picking out a name for our little baby girl. But while we were looking at all the options for names we came upon some real jewels.

Here are my favorites:
Damhnait (is that pronounced dominate?)

These are right up there with my favorites told to us by our friend who is a pediatric doctor.
ABCD (prounounced obesity of a- bee-cee-dee)
Erotica Morehead (even after learning the meaning of the first name the mother still went with it)
La-a (pronounced Ladasha; "the dash don't be silent") With that technique maybe my name should be Am&a

Sorry, to those of you who thought that we were going to list our real favorite names... No hints on what we are going to name our little Strawberry Marvelle until she is born.

1 comment:

Ron Hudson said...

I'm a little slow to pick up on the news, but I take it you have plans for the next 9 months or so! Congratulations!!

I will have to dig out my list of Sampson County baby names. Sophronia, Everleen and Carlessie are just a few of the choices for girls. Let me know if you are interested...